
Showing posts from September, 2023

The National Patent Consortium

Vices of the Patent System The Optimal Patent System Creating the Optimal System The U.S. patent system operates too inefficiently.  Patent applications take years to be reviewed and patents issued. Legal services for each patent cost tens of thousands or even millions of dollars. These circumstances make the development of the technology startup industry very difficult.  However, the main problem is the lack of certainty of patent protection of inventions. Because of this, thousands of legal conflicts between patent owners, including large corporations, occur. They prevent the use of technology and cause hundreds of billions of dollars in losses to the economy each year.  The U.S. patent system does not contain a definite and meaningful criterion for patent novelty of inventions.  Therefore, the number of patents has exceeded 10 million, a significant portion of which have not created real novelty and clutter the invention database to no avail.  Pseudo-inventio...

Национальный Патентный Консорциум

  Пороки Патентной Системы Оптимальная Патентная Система   Создание Оптимальной Системы Патентная система США действует весьма неэффективно. Рассмотрения патентных заявок и оформления патентов длятся годами. Юридические услуги по каждому патенту стоят десятки тысяч и даже миллионы долларов. Эти обстоятельства очень затрудняют развитие индустрии технологических стартапов. Но основная проблема есть недостаточная определённость патентной защиты изобретений. Из-за этого, тысячи судебных конфликтов владельцев патентов, в том числе, больших корпораций происходят. Они препятствуют использованию технологий и наносят убытки экономике на сотни миллиардов долларов каждый год. Патентная система США не содержит определённый и конструктивный критерий патентной новизны изобретений. Поэтому, количество патентов превысило 10 миллионов, значительная часть которых не создала реальную новизну и без пользы загромождает базу данных изобретений. Патенты на псевдо...

Changing the Patent Law

    The Leahy-Smith America Invents Act passed in September 2011, did not eliminate the major flaws in the patent system that significantly reduce the effectiveness of intellectual property. Ed Black, President of the Computer & Communications Industry Association (CCIA) stated, "This Act has changed some things for the better and some things for the worse, but it has not addressed the major problems. Too many low-quality patents are being issued. For 10 million U.S. patents, far fewer innovative ideas are invented." In an interview with «TechCrunch», Google senior vice president Kent Walker said that patents now only hurt innovations, not incentivize them. A wave of lawsuits has swept the computer industry. Today, this is a business in which older corporations often survive at the expense of their younger competitors' innovations. Reform is likely necessary. But Kent Walker did not say what reform should be. The purpose of the patent system is to increase productiv...